Drugs 221-240 - Brand and Generic

Click the Side Effect button to see a list of the common side effects for these medications.

Audio Pronunciations Drugs 221-240

Click on the images below to play the games. To guess the generic names when given the brand name, click on the images in the left column. To guess the brand name, click on the images in the right column. To print out the drug list for this section, click on the PDF links above. To listen to the drug name pronunciations, click on the AUDIO button above. To visit the other sections of the Top 200 Drugs, use the navigation on the side or the top main menu.

Generic Drug Name Guess

Brand Drug Name Guess

Generic Name Word Guess

Brand Name Word Guess



Generic to Brand Flashcards Drugs

Brand to Generic Flashcards Drugs

Generic Drag and Drop Matching

Brand Drag and Drop Matching

Generic Drag and Drop Matching

Brand Drag and Drop Matching

Generic Puzzle Drugs 221-240

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Brand Puzzle Drugs 221-240

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