Do Not Crush Drugs

Certain medications have a special release mechanism designed to slowly release a certain amount of medication over a given amount of time. If the medication is altered or destroyed in any way, the medication will be released too fast and cause an adverse effect.




a: Capsule may be opened and the contents taken without chewing or crushing; soft food such as applesauce or pudding may facilitate administration; contents may generally be administered via NG tube using an appropriate fluid provided entire contents are washed down the tube.

b: Liquid dosage forms of the product are available; however, dose, frequency of administration, and manufacturers may differ from that of the solid dosage form.

c: Antacids and/or milk may prematurely dissolve the coating of the tablet.

d: Capsule may be opened and the liquid contents removed for administration.

e: The taste of this product in a liquid form would likely be unacceptable to the patient; administration via NG tube should be acceptable.

f: Effervescent tablets must be dissolved in the amount of diluent recommended by the manufacturer.

g: Tablets are made to disintegrate under the tongue.

h: Tablet is scored and may be broken in half without affecting release characteristics.

i: Skin contact may enhance tumor production; avoid direct contact.

This list has been adapted from Echaiz, T. A. (Ed.). Oral Dosage Forms That Should Not Be Crushed 2020 [wall chart]. St. Louis, MO: Thomas Land Publishers, Inc. Copyright (C) 2020 Thomas Land Publishers, Inc.